
She never turned back…


She was the type of girl that believed to everyone. She never saw the evil of people. She trusted them regardlessly. Always. And yes, she was hurt. Many, many times…

She was a girl. Knew so little about life and gave her best to satisfy the people around her. The awful thing was, nobody really cared. She gave everything she had, and no one ever said thanks.

Disappointed of life, and the evil people, she decided to change. She became this cold person on the inside, not letting anyone in. Never. Not a chance. She walk straight forward and she never turned back. That was her shield, of not being hurt. It was the easiest way!

Then someone came and fought through all the shields of protection she had. He fought for her attention and fought for her love, while showing her his! He showed her he appreciates everything she does, and for the first time, she felt worthy. He showed her the way, but the way of forward.

She never turned back, but she had a reason to move forward, because he was there, waiting for her!

Innah (GIPostcards)  <3

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