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Book Wrap Up – June 2018


Hello All! And just like that, it’s the beginning of July. I can’t believe that half of the year has passed. It somehow went so fast for me and I don’t even know how!

I have made a lot of progress reading a lot of my books, and I still have a huge list of books still waiting for me to read and review. You can see below a list of the books I read this month, and if you want to read a more detailed review, click on the links.


Here is what I have read in the month of June:



I greatly enjoyed this historical fiction. An interesting story about a man that does everything he can to try and save his wife from dying. Even if that means trying to find the secret item that one time belonged to the great wizard Merlin, from the time of King Arthur.



I was a bit disappointed by this book, and I enjoyed the first book of this series more (Piasa). However, I truly believe that it might be interesting to some of you, as it covers the plot of how one young lady struggled through everything in life and in the end manages to find herself and be happy.



To all the lovers of Harry Potter out there – I loved this book, and you’ll love it too. I listened to the Audible version (P.S. – if you create an Audible account now, you get one audiobook for free – here’s the LINK). This is my second audiobook that I have listened to, and I really enjoyed it. A whole description about the rules of Quidditch, the most famous teams, and also the World Championship, with Rita Skeeter and Ginny Potter as reporters! So cool


I have won this Children’s book on a giveaway hosted by BookLikes. I don’t usually read Children’s books, and this one was quite interesting. I liked the story behind it, but didn’t really enjoy the illustrations. I think, especially with the young audience, it’s a key factor to have interesting illustrations.



A very interesting and unusual (in a good way) book, that tells a story about a nun that tries to fix a time travelling machine. It was a surprisingly refreshing read for me, and I did enjoy it, even though it’s not actually my cup of tea. The author, Jay DiNitto, was also kind enough to do an interview with me, and you can read more about it here.



An ARC provided to me by NetGalley. Unfortunately, this book did disappoint me. I expected more romance and more Alzheimer’s disease related content, but it didn’t deliver. Falling Short is a story about a lady that tries to find herself, and her mother is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and somehow, it turns out that her father actually might be alive, and she goes on a journey to try to find him, and also find herself as well.


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