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Down The TBR Hole #3


Hi Lovelies!

The third edition of the Down the TBR Hole is here! I am always excited when I am doing this, I can’t wait to see how it goes!

How it works:

Here’s the next patch:

Pretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars, #1) by Sara Shepard

I have made this list a long time ago, and this is one of the books I should have read when I was 14. Right now, I can’t find the time to do this.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

A classic, and I have only read Inferno by Dante. I remember adding this book because I wanted to read the other two parts too. This one stays!

Verdict: KEEP  ☑

Clay by David Almond

I have left this book back in my home country. If I ever go back and get it, I will read it. But for now, it can go.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

Bad Behaviour by Sheila O’Flanagan

Again, the same story. It is sad that I have left so many books behind. I even checked if the library had this one here, but unfortunately, they didn’t. Right now, it goes.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

French Kissing by Catherine Sanderson

And again – ahhh. I am becoming sad now. I am removing this lovely book too, but I have noted these to bring back with me when I can.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

I Am David by Anne Holm

I won this book on a giveaway, but don’t have it with me anymore. I never got the chance to read it, as I always kept finding other things that seemed more interesting at the time. I am letting this one go.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo

A classic that I have wanted to read since I was a little kid. I have to find time for this in the early 2019. People keep telling me how good it is.

Verdict: KEEP  ☑

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

A long and big one this time. A famous classic, and all my Literature Teachers were talking about during high school. I never had the chance to read it, but this one stays, as I truly believe a person needs to read this one before they die.

Verdict: KEEP  ☑

Holly’s Inbox (Holly’s Inbox #1) by Holly Denham

I actually don’t know why this book is here. I am not too excited after reading the synopsis and I am letting this one go.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

The Christmas Train by David Baldacci

I don’t remember adding this one as well, and after reading some reviews, I think I am going to pass. I have a lot of Christmas reads happening this year, so I don’t think I would have the time anyways…

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

This time I only kept 3 and removed 7. I am getting efficient. My TBR already looks smaller (who are we kidding? :D).

Let me know if you have read any of these, and if you want me to keep or remove any of these books from my list! I look forward to see what you think!

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