Books · Down The TBR Hole Tag

Down The TBR Hole #4

down the tbr hole book books blog diary of difference

Hi Lovelies!

I am doing the Down the TBR Hole for the fourth time! I have already cleared out so many books, and I am always looking forward to some more tidying up.

How it works:

❤ Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books.
❤ Read the synopsis of the books.
Decide: keep it or should it go

Here’s the next patch:

down the tbr hole book blog diary of difference diaryofdifference books

The Learning Curve by Melissa Nathan

If you have read my Down The TBR Hole #2 post, I have kept The Nanny from this author. I am going to remove this one for now, with the note of: If I like her other book, I will re-add this one after.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This one stays, because I have wanted to read it since I was a teen. I am still certain that the story is lovely!

Verdict: KEEP  ☑ 

Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth

I know – I am probably the last person you know that hasn’t read the books. I have seen the movies, and I am so eager to read the books. I am actually going to make this one a priority for 2019.

Verdict: KEEP  ☑ 

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

I know this one is a classic, but I can’t see myself reading it in the near future.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

Bridget Jones’s Diary (Bridget Jones, #1) by Helen Fielding

I have grown the Bridget Jones’s story by now. This one goes.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

One Moment, One Morning by Sarah Rayner

I honestly don’t know why and how this ended up on my TBR. I am removing it.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖

The Only Boy by Jordan Locke

I want to know so bad if the hype for this book is real or not. I am keeping it!

Verdict: KEEP  ☑ 

Mara (Unusuals, #1) by Veronica Bane

I remember how excited I was when I found out about this book. I wanted to read it so bad for months, but I lived in Macedonia and I couldn’t get hold of it at the time. I will definitely try to read this one next year!

Verdict: KEEP  ☑ 

Paper Towns by John Green

John Green? Yes, please!

Verdict: KEEP  ☑ 

Fifty Shades Darker (Fifty Shades, #2) by E.L. James

There was a time when I loved erotica. And I loved the first Fifty Shades of Grey book. And I have watched all the movies. But now, I am past all of that, and I don’t think I would want to give up my time to read this one.

Verdict: REMOVE ✖


I kept 5, and removed 5 books. I think it’s fair to say I did well. Would you have kept or removed some of these books? I would love to know what you think!

P.S: If you also have some TBR posts – please comment your links below!
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14 thoughts on “Down The TBR Hole #4

  1. This is a really great idea! We literally have thousands of books and when we re-did our basement—trying to decide which wall we would build our bookshelves on—we tried to whittle down the stack a little. However, the only things that we really ended up getting rid of were old college textbooks. We basically kept all the rest. I will admit that I have a book fetish… What we ended up doing was running shelves floor to ceiling down a 12 foot wall and creating enough space so that I can even buy one or two more should I run across some that I can’t wait to read! I can’t say how this would work with my Kindle account; I know I would keep them ALL! 😆 Yours is a really fun post to read! 😀

    1. Thank you so much Vox – I have the same trouble with my Kindle – but I put them into collections, based on priority – like, must read in 2019, or December 2018 TBR, or Never Likely To Read, so it’s easier to know where I am 😀

  2. Wow, I really applaud you for this, the thought of removing some books from my collection fills me with dread! ha.
    Great content 🙂

  3. Beautiful blog…one has to be selective in life and remove the unwanted which will just occupy valuable space…nice suggestions..
    Thank you

  4. I would definitely keep ” to kill a mockingbird ” ‘cos it’s a classic . I would definitely give up gone with the wind & fifty shades darker( not so much into it & the movie also didn’t help much). Other books u listed , I haven’t really gone through them so will have to check on it.
    Great post!

  5. I think One moment, One morning should be kept….. The title hooked me….. And the Fifty Shades is better read than watch….. I believe erotica should be read…it has a porno feel to it when watch.. Remember how Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty is so gripping to read you can’t almost translate it visually….

  6. This is such I cool idea! I agree with you on the choices. And you reminded me I want to read To Kill a Mockingbird 🙂

  7. This is tough. Keep the classics like To Kill A Mockingbird and Gone With the Wind. I hate getting rid of books even if I know I will never go back and read them.

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