About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog!
My name is Ivana and I live in England, UK.

I was born in Skopje, Macedonia, but I moved to the UK in 2016.

A little bit about me, apart from my extreme passion for books, I also love sending postcards, playing video games, taking photographs and enjoying my hot chocolate. I used to be a national karate champion of Macedonia for 8 years.

My favourite genres are: mystery (psychological thrillers are my ultimate favorites), young-adult, contemporary, romance. I also tend to read a little bit of everything and keep exploring new genres.

You can find me online on all social media platforms. If you are there too, come and say hi to me – I love talking, meeting new people, and I especially love reading your posts.

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I spend a lot of time and effort into my blog, and I review books for free. If you want to encourage me to keep posting amazing content and upgrade my blog, you can do that by buying me a coffee:

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com
Lots of love,

40 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thank you so much for your likes and visits to my blog. Its not the best blog out there, but your visits make it that much worthwhile 🙂 I got to stop by your blog now only and I’m discovering so many beautiful and fantastic cards..

    Wishing you both the very best and may your future shine brighter than ever 🙂

    1. Thank you for visiting too! Postcards are a specialist thing, and we are both lucky to have them and are being able to share them! Keep the awesomeness 🙂

  2. Thanks for liking my latest blog post! Your blog is super creative – I love it! You are very artistic 🙂 I especially like the drawings you did of ice cream cones, they were all super cute.

  3. This reminds me of the old days when I had letter friends. However, being random is an interesting idea to share some of my work with people everywhere.

    Will check it out.


  4. Hi Innah, thanks for stopping by 🙂 Love the idea of Postcrossing, going to give it a try!
    When it comes to card creation/drawing, I’m at the find the try to replicate ones that you like stage, so will surely find tons of inspiration here. Cheers!

      1. Hi Milly! I am glad you are staring Postcrossing. It will be an amazing journey for you, and I am sure you’ll enjoy it. Let me know if you have any questions 😉 Nice to meet you!

  5. Good morning Innah! I just wanted to thanks for stopping by and reading my post, The Playground! And good luck to you in everything you do, you seem to have a lot of creativity and talent which you are utilizing in a great way.

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. My daughter wrote letters to penpals all over the world. Unfortunately as ‘real’ life has become more busy she only keeps in touch with a handful now. But I remember her joy when our mailbox was full of letters.

    1. I know exactly how she feels! I love writing letters and even though not so often, I try to keep in touch with all of them. 😀

  7. Hi there Innah, I just took a look at your blog as you liked a post on mine. Nice work… I’ll have to look at more 😀

      1. It’s great you do what you love. Does it pay your way or do you have to work too?
        I just realised I think I’ve seen your blog before. I need to keep up 🙂

      2. I am working full-time. The blog does pay a sum, but I don’t do it for the money 🙂 I am sure that if I focus hard, I would be able to survive off it, but I don’t want to turn this into a job and lose my love towards it.

  8. Good day Innah, thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. I am a newbie to this blogging thing but hey your site was an inspiration for me to keep on blogging. Cheers ✌🏻

    1. Hello Vincent! Thank you for visiting my blog! I am glad you enjoy it! I look forward to reading your blog too – keep writing and stay strong 😀

  9. Hi Ivana! I just noticed your Macedonian background… my husband also has Maco roots, and mine are Croatian! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I am enjoying your book reviews too XO

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